Despite it all

I remember my sixth grade year pretty vividly. I remember the smell of the crisp air, how the leaves crunched under my feet on my walk to school. I remember the way my blankets draped on top of me and the warmth of my dog spread out across me. I remember the smell of a…

Back to Old Habits

Some days are harder than others. Matter of fact, most days are harder than others. It’s hard trying not to fall back into bad habits. Sometimes during these periods of time it makes it really hard to take care of yourselves. As high school students we are all dealing with so much. Not only did…

Starting Senior Year

I’m sure we are all familiar with the Corona Virus, and im not sure about everyone else but Covid19 hit really hard my freshman year of high school, cutting me short of 2 and a half years of the normal high school experience. There’s already enough anxiety when transitioning from jr. high to high school…